Stalin Era

This topic still causes very heated debates, both in Russia and abroad. The amount of lies injected here is probably the largest of all historical topics on Earth.

Facts to remember though is that under Stalin’s rule the USSR became the World superpower and won the biggest war in the history of mankind.

Bolshevik Revolution

Many people believe that bolshevik revolution deposed the Tzar. Nothing can be further frome truth, and it is easily verifiable just by checking any historical source with dates. Tzar has been deposed in February 1917 by liberal revolution, and bolshevik revolution happened to happen more than half a year later, in October…

Ivan The Terrible

Widely regarded as the bloodiest tyrant of his time, in reality Ivan The Terrible killed times if not orders less people than his British or French counterparts. Even his nickname has been distorted in English, as the correct translation of Russian Грозный is Formidable.